hydraulic, pneumatic & industrial

An unexpected error occurred.

mysql error: [1055: Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'multipower_c5.p1.cID' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by] in EXECUTE("select p1.cID, pt.ctHandle ,event.eID as eID, event.date AS eventdate, event.sttime AS eventstart, event.entime AS eventend from Pages p1 left join Pages p2 on (p1.cPointerID = p2.cID) left join PagePaths on (PagePaths.cID = p1.cID and PagePaths.ppIsCanonical = 1) left join PageSearchIndex psi on (psi.cID = if(p2.cID is null, p1.cID, p2.cID)) inner join CollectionVersions cv on (cv.cID = if(p2.cID is null, p1.cID, p2.cID) and cvID = (select cvID from CollectionVersions where cvIsApproved = 1 and cID = cv.cID)) left join PageTypes pt on pt.ctID = cv.ctID inner join Collections c on (c.cID = if(p2.cID is null, p1.cID, p2.cID)) left join CollectionSearchIndexAttributes on (CollectionSearchIndexAttributes.cID = if (p2.cID is null, p1.cID, p2.cID)) left join btProEventDates event on p1.cID = event.eventID where 1=1 and cvIsApproved = '1' and (p1.cIsTemplate = 0 or p2.cIsTemplate = 0) and ((select count(cID) from PagePermissionAssignments ppa1 inner join PermissionAccessList pa1 on ppa1.paID = pa1.paID where ppa1.cID = if(p2.cID is null, p1.cInheritPermissionsFromCID, p2.cInheritPermissionsFromCID) and pa1.accessType = 10 and pa1.pdID in (0) and pa1.peID in (2) and (if(pa1.peID = 4 and p1.uID <>0, false, true)) and (ppa1.pkID = 1 and cv.cvIsApproved = 1 or ppa1.pkID = 2)) > 0 or (p1.cPointerExternalLink !='' AND p1.cPointerExternalLink IS NOT NULL)) and ((select count(cID) from PagePermissionAssignments ppaExclude inner join PermissionAccessList paExclude on ppaExclude.paID = paExclude.paID where ppaExclude.cID = if(p2.cID is null, p1.cInheritPermissionsFromCID, p2.cInheritPermissionsFromCID) and accessType = -1 and pdID in (0) and paExclude.peID in (2) and (if(paExclude.peID = 4 and p1.uID <>0, false, true)) and (ppaExclude.pkID = 1 and cv.cvIsApproved = 1 or ppaExclude.pkID = 2)) = 0) and p1.cIsActive = '1' and (p1.cIsSystemPage = 0 or p2.cIsSystemPage = 0) and DATE_FORMAT(CONCAT_WS(' ', event.date, event.sttime),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') > '2024-10-22 06:15:20' group by event.eventID,event.grouped order by eventdate asc, eventstart asc limit 0,5 ")

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